Papers and Presentations
"Can women of color be feminist" at Sister Talk.
"Cultural competency in counseling African Americans" for Dr. Mori in Psychology.
"Women vs. Women of Color" at Azusa Pacific University.
"Ebonics" for Santa Ana NAACP youth group.
Panel :   "Careers for ethnic studies majors."
Panel:    "CSUF women's day."
"Acculturation in the United States" for the San Bernardino Kiwanis Club.
"Understanding cultural diversity" at Patton State Hospital, San Bernardino

March    1995    Stokes, J.E., Murray, C.B., & Peacock, M.J. "The effects of
                          race socialization on African American youth ethnic identity
                         and self-esteem." The Claremont Colleges; Intercollegiate
                         Department of Black Studies, Claremont, California.

                         Ravinderjit, K.S., Murray, C.B., Stokes, J.E., &
                         Peacock, M.J. "Exploring the relationship between black
                         male acculturation and stress." WPA, Los Angeles, CA.

                          Garcia, J.A., Murray, C.B., Stokes, J.E., & Peacock, M.J.
                          "Analysis of ethnic identity across four different ethnic
                           groups." WPA, Los Angeles, CA.

                          Halliday, C.A., Murray, C.B., Stokes, J.E., & Peacock, M.J.
                          "School disidentification, cultural mistrust, and achievement
                          among African American students." WPA, Los Angeles,CA.

                          Chase, L., Murray, C.B., Warden, R., & Stokes, J.E.,
                          "Confirmation expectancies among Asian Americans and
                          European Americans." WPA, Los Angeles, CA.

                          Newsome, J.A., Murray, C.B., Stokes, J.E., & Peacock, M.J.
                          "Social class as a determinant of ethnic group
                          self-descriptions." WPA, Los Angeles, CA.

                          Hill, E.L., Murray, C.B., Stokes, J.E., Peacock, M.J.
                          "Reexamination of the Multi-group ethnic identity measure
                          across ethnic groups." WPA, Los Angeles, CA.

                          Stokes, J.E., Murray, C.B., & Peacock, M.J. "An ethnically
                          sensitive approach to investigating socialization processes
                          and normative development in African American families."
                          The biennial meeting of the society for research in child
                          development. Indianapolis, Indiana.

Aug    1994        Stokes, J.E., Murray, C.B., & Peacock, M.J. "Exploring the
                          relationship between ethnic group identification and
                          personal self-esteem."APA, Los Angeles, CA.

May    1994        Ross-Lewis, C., Murray, C.B., Peacock, J.E., & Stokes, J.E.
                          "Racial socialization and ethnic identity as a predictor of
                          self-esteem." UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.