Instructions for Inventory of Specific Relationship Standards
This questionnaire asks about your standards for your marriage, or what you think your marriage should be like. The way you think your marriage should be might be different from the way your marriage actually is. Remember, we are interested in what you think your marriage should be like. Below you will find 48 statements that describe standards that people may hold about their relationships. There are three parts to each question:
Part One: Please indicate how often you believe you and your partner should act toward each other in certain ways, as described in the following statements. You have five choices for doing this:
Never = 1, Seldom = 2, Sometimes = 3, Usually = 4, Always = 5.
Simply select the number beside each item that corresponds to your view. Some of the items ask about parenting and child-rearing. Even if you do not have children, please answer these items based on how you think children should be raised.
Part Two: Please indicate whether you are satisfied with the way that the standard is being met in your relationship.
Select Y for "Yes" or N for "No".
Part Three: Please indicate how upsetting it is to you when this standard is not met in your relationship. You have three choices for doing this:
Not at all upsetting = 1, Somewhat upsetting = 2, Very upsetting = 3
Please note: Even if you are currently satisfied with how this standard is being met in your relationship, this question asks how upsetting it is for you when the standard is not being met.
Example: Consider the item, My partner and I should eat our evening meals together. If you believe that you and your partner should do this most of the time, first you would circle 4 for Usually. Next, if you are not satisfied with this aspect of your relationship, you would circle N for No. Finally, if you find it somewhat upsetting when your standard for eating together is not met, you would mark 2 for Somewhat Upsetting.