On each trial you should form impressions of the two people. Each one has been described by two adjectives. Each adjective was contributed by a different source who knows the person well. Your task is to read the two adjectives, form an impression of the personality of that person, then read the two adjectives that describe another person; then you will judge how different the two people are in likeableness.
You will make your ratings of difference using the scale of radio buttons below each pair. If you like the two people equally,
you should click the center button. If you like the person on the left very much more than the person on the right, click
the button to the far left. If you like the person on the right very much more than the person on the left, you should
click the button to the far right. For smaller differences in liking, choose a button along the scale to represent
your judgment of the direction and degree of difference in liking.