Instructions for National Policy Questionnaire

In this study, we are interested in how people make judgments concerning national policy. Each policy contains an argument consisting of two sentences. The first sentence gives the reason for the policy, and the second states what the policy should be. Please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with each argument by clicking along the scale from disagree very strongly to agree strongly. If you are neutral (neither disagree or agree with an item), click the button in the center. Click to the left or right to indicate whether you disagree or agree and to indicate the strength of your disagreement or agreement with each policy.

Warmup Trials for National Policy Questionnaire

W1. We should fight against terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

W2. We should limit the privacy of Internet communication.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

W3. We should give in to terrorism; We should require police to get a warrant to search.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

W4. Police should not be able to profile by age, race, and gender.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

1. We should give in to terrorism; We should limit the privacy of Internet communication.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

2. We should fight against terrorism; We should preserve the privacy of Internet communication.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

3. We should fight against terrorism; We should require police to get a warrant to search.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

4. We should give in to terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

5. We should give in to terrorism; We should preserve the privacy of Internet communication.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

6. We should fight against terrorism; We should limit the privacy of Internet communication.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

7. We should give in to terrorism; We should require police to get a warrant to search.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

8. We should limit the privacy of Internet communication.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

9. Police should be able to profile by age, race, and gender.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

10. We should fight against terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

11. We should require police to get a warrant to search.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

12. We should limit freedom of speech.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

13. Police should not be able to profile by age, race, and gender.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

14. We should fight against terrorism; Police should be able to profile by age, race, and gender.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

15. We should fight against terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

16. We should allow police to search anyone.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

17. We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

18. We should give in to terrorism; Police should not be able to profile by age, race, and gender.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

19. We should fight against terrorism; We should allow police to search anyone.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

20. We should give in to terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

21. We should preserve the privacy of Internet communication.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

22. We should fight against terrorism; Police should not be able to profile by age, race, and gender.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

23. We should give in to terrorism; Police should be able to profile by age, race, and gender.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

24. We should give in to terrorism; We should allow police to search anyone.
Disagree very strongly Agree very strongly

25. What is your age? years.

26. Are you Female or Male?

27. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

28. In what nation were you born (e.g., USA, Canada, etc)?

29. What is your race or ethnic identification?

30. Do you consider yourself politically...
Very Liberal Very Conservative

31. With which political party do you most identify?
No party
Other: specify:

32. Do you have access to the Internet through any of the computers in your household?

If you do NOT access the Internet from home, please skip Item No. 33.

33. For which of the following nine purposes do you use a computer at home?
For Web browsing/surfing for information about
government, public services, travel, or health?
For educational purposes?
For email?
For chat groups?
For on-line shopping?
For banking?
For working at home?
For running a business from home?
For entertainment or games?

34. How often do you access the Internet?
More than once per day
Once a day
A few times per week
Once a week
Less than once a week

The next 5 questions deal with joining an Internet panel. Members of an Internet panel are paid to complete surveys like this one on-line and are paid for each survey they complete. A panelist can do as many or as few surveys as he or she wants and is paid by check every two months.

34. Would you be willing to become a member of our Internet panel and complete surveys for $12 per hour?
No Yes

35. Would you be willing to participate in an Internet panel and complete surveys for $24 per hour?
No Yes

36. What is the least you would accept (in dollars per hour) to serve on such a panel?
$ per hour.

37. If we paid you the amount you stated in No. 36, would you be willing to participate in an Internet panel?
No Yes

38. If you are willing to serve in an Internet panel, please enter your email address below:


Please check your answers. When you are done, push the button below.

Thank You!