Learning Gambles from Experience: Now Make 12 More Choices

You have finished the warmups, the next 12 choices count for your chance to win money, so choose carefully!

Choice Number = 

Complete the items below the line only after you finish all 12 choices with this panel.

1. Your Email address: Optional
Winners will be notified by email. If you do not want a chance at a prize you can leave the Email address blank).

2. Are you Male or Female?


3. What is your age? years.

4. How many years of Education have you completed?

Put 12 for High School Diploma.
Put 16 for college diploma (bachelor's degree, B.A., B.S., etc.).
Put 20 for doctorate degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc).

5. Nationality (country of birth):

Comments: Please explain your strategy. How did you make your choices? You can add other comments as well.

After you have completed 12 choices (you've seen the message to answer the questions below the line) you can press the button below: