Attitudes Concerning National Policy: Part One of Three


In this study, we are interested in how people make judgments concerning national policy. Each proposed policy contains an argument consisting of two sentences. The first gives the reason for the policy, and the second states what the policy should be. You are asked to read each argument and judge the extent to which you agree or disagree with the argument. Please click the button along the scale to indicate your judged agreement. Click the left most button to express strong disagreement and the right most button to indicate strong agreement. Click intermediate buttons to rate your position along the scale.

Warmup Trials

W1. We should fight against terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W2. We should allow police to search anyone.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W3. We should give in to terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W4. We should not fight against terrorism; We should restrict religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W5. We should fight against terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W6. We should give in to terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W7. We should not give in to terrorism; We should preserve freedom of religion.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W8. We should not give in to terrorism; We should restrict who can own guns and where they can be used.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W9. We should require police to get a warrant to search.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

W10. We should not fight against terrorism; We should preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

Start National Policy Survey

1. We should preserve freedom of religion.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

2. We should not fight against terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

3. We should not fight against terrorism; We should require police to get a warrant to search.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

4. We should not fight against terrorism; We should restrict religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

5. We should not give in to terrorism; We should restrict who can own guns and where they can be used.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

6. We should preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

7. We should fight against terrorism; We should preserve freedom of religion.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

8. We should not fight against terrorism; We should restrict who can own guns and where they can be used.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

9. We should not fight against terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

10. We should give in to terrorism; We should preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

11. We should not give in to terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

12. We should give in to terrorism; We should require police to get a warrant to search.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

13. We should restrict who can own guns and where they can be used.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

14. We should not give in to terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

15. We should fight against terrorism; We should restrict religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

16. We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

17. We should give in to terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

18. We should not give in to terrorism; We should preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

19. We should give in to terrorism; We should preserve freedom of religion.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

20. We should give in to terrorism; We should restrict religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

21. We should not give in to terrorism; We should allow police to search anyone.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

22. We should fight against terrorism; We should allow police to search anyone.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

23. We should fight against terrorism; We should preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

24. We should give in to terrorism; We should allow police to search anyone.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

25. We should fight against terrorism; We should keep the right of freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

26. We should not fight against terrorism; We should allow police to search anyone.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

27. We should give in to terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

28. We should not fight against terrorism; We should preserve freedom of religion.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

29. We should give in to terrorism; We should restrict who can own guns and where they can be used.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

30. We should require police to get a warrant to search.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

31. We should fight against terrorism; We should restrict who can own guns and how they can be used.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

32. We should not fight against terrorism; We should preserve the right to keep and bear arms.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

33. We should not give in to terrorism; We should preserve freedom of religion.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

34. We should fight against terrorism; We should require police to get a warrant to search.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

35. We should restrict religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

36. We should fight against terrorism; We should limit freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

37. We should limit freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

38. We should not give in to terrorism; We should require police to get a warrant to search.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

39. We should not give in to terrorism; We should restrict religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

40. We should allow police to search anyone.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

Judged Likelihood of Terrorist Attack

The next four questions ask you to judge the probabilities of events, including your judgment of the probability that there will be another terrorist attack, by either foreign or domestic terrorists. In each case, express your judgment of probability as a percentage. For example, if you think it would be as likely to happen as not, you should type 50 indicating 50%--please do NOT type the percent sign. Also, please use the TAB key to navigate across items. Do NOT use the ENTER key.

41. How likely do you think it is that a penny tossed in the air will land with "heads" showing?

42. How likely do you think it is that, within a year, a terrorist attack, either foreign or domestic, will occur in the United States?

43. How likely do you think it is that, within a year, a terrorist attack, either foreign or domestic, will occur in the state in which you live?

44. How likely do you think it is that, within a year, a terrorist attack, either foreign or domestic, will occur in the city in which you live?

Demographic Items

45. What is your age? years.

46. Gender: Are you Male or Female?
47. How many years of education have you completed?
Put 12 for High School Diploma
Put 16 for college diploma (bachelor's degree).
put 20 for doctorate degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc).
48. Which political party do you most identify with?
Other--please specify
49. Do you consider yourself politically:
Very Liberal
Very Conservative
50. What is your religion?
Christian--please specify denomination
Other--please specify
51. Nationality (country of birth):

52. What is your race or ethnicity?
Other--please specify
53. What is your total yearly income (before taxes)?
under $10,000
$90,000 and over
Don't Know/Not Sure

This is a three-part survey. In order to match your survey responses for parts one through three, please enter the last four digits of your student ID/Social Security number here and then again at the end of Parts Two and Three.
Enter your chosen number here. ATTN CSUF STUDENTS: This 4-digit number will also be used to give credit.

When you are finished with this page please check your answers and click on the "Go to part two" button below. This will take you to a "Thanks!" page at which you can link to Attitudes Concerning National Policy: Part Two. .

Thank You.