Attitudes Concerning National Policy: Part Three of Three


The following Survey is divided into four parts (A-D). Please note that each part has a different rating scale and set of instructions. This survey concludes with some demographic items. Please read each set of instructions carefully.

Part A

You are asked to read each argument and judge the extent to which you agree or disagree with the argument along a 9-point scale. Please click the button along the scale to indicate your judged agreement. Click the left most button to express strong disagreement and the right most button to indicate strong agreement. Click intermediate buttons to rate your position along the scale.

1. Everyone should have the right to be protected against racial profiling by police.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

2. I should have the right to freedom of religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

3. Everyone should have the right to be protected against unauthorized wire-tapping of telephones.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

4. I should be have the right to be protected against police searches without warrants.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

5. Everyone should have the right to freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

6. Everyone should have the right to privacy while communicating on the Internet.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

7. I should have the right to privacy.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

8. I should have the right to be protected against racial profiling by police.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

9. I should have the right to freedom of speech.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

10. Everyone should have the right to be protected against being videotaped in public places.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

11. I should have the right to be protected against being videotaped in public places.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

12. I should have the right to be protected against unauthorized wire-tapping of telephones.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

13. I should have the right to privacy while communicating on the Internet.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

14. Everyone should have the right to privacy.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

15. Everyone should have the right to freedom of religious worship.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

16. Everyone should have the right to be protected against police searches without warrants.
disagree very strongly agree very strongly

Part B

You are asked to read each argument and judge the extent to which you agree or disagree with the argument along a 7-point scale. Please click the button along the scale to indicate your judged agreement. Click the left most button to express strong disagreement and the right most button to indicate strong agreement. Click intermediate buttons to rate your position along the scale.

17. Detention of individuals for political reasons is wrong.
strongly disagree strongly agree

18. Any country should have the right to exile persons who hold political views that endanger the government’s goals.
strongly disagree strongly agree

19. There are times when people should be kept from expressing their opinions.
strongly disagree strongly agree

20. Arrest for political reasons is always wrong.
strongly disagree strongly agree

21. There are times when detention of political prisoners may be necessary to ensure the maintenance of social order.
strongly disagree strongly agree

22. There are times when censorship of the press is justified.
strongly disagree strongly agree

23. Some people are not responsible enough to take part in the government of their country.
strongly disagree strongly agree

24. Once a person has left his or her original country for political reasons, a decision has been made that cannot be changed and the person cannot return to his or her original country.
strongly disagree strongly agree

25. Some people are not responsible enough to own property.
strongly disagree strongly agree

26. Some people do not appreciate cultural events of their society and should not be encouraged to participate in them.
strongly disagree strongly agree

27. Every country should have the right to strip a person of his or her nationality if the person threatens the security of the government of that country.
strongly disagree strongly agree

28. There are times when people shouldn’t be allowed to express their opinions freely because they may endanger established ways of thought.
strongly disagree strongly agree

Part C

You are asked to read each argument and judge the extent to which you agree or disagree with the argument along a 5-point scale. Please click the button along the scale to indicate your judged agreement. Click the left most button to express strong disagreement and the right most button to indicate strong agreement. Click intermediate buttons to rate your position along the scale.

29. If someone is suspected of treason or other serious crimes, he or she should not be entitled to be released on bail.
strongly disagree strongly agree

30. Society shouldn’t have to put up with those who have political ideas that are extremely different from the views of the majority.
strongly disagree strongly agree

31. When the country is in great danger we may have to force people to testify against themselves even if it violates their rights.
strongly disagree strongly agree

32. Free speech ought to be allowed for all political groups even if some of the things these groups believe in are highly insulting and threatening to particular segments of society.
strongly disagree strongly agree

33. It is refreshing to hear someone stand up for an unpopular view.
strongly disagree strongly agree

34. I believe in free speech for all no matter what their views might be.
strongly disagree strongly agree

35. No matter what a person’s political beliefs are, he or she is entitled to the same legal rights and protections as anyone else.
strongly disagree strongly agree

36. I love my country.
strongly disagree strongly agree

37. I am proud to be an American
strongly disagree strongly agree

38. In a sense, I am emotionally attached to my country and emotionally affected by its actions.
strongly disagree strongly agree

39. Although at times I may not agree with the government, my commitment to the U.S. always remains strong.
strongly disagree strongly agree

40. I feel a great pride in that land that is our America.
strongly disagree strongly agree

41. It is not that important for me to serve my country.
strongly disagree strongly agree

42. When I see the American flag flying I feel great.
strongly disagree strongly agree

43. The fact that I am an American is an important part of my identity.
strongly disagree strongly agree

44. In general, I have very little respect for the American people.
strongly disagree strongly agree

45. In view of America’s moral and material superiority, it is only right that we should have the biggest say in deciding United Nations policy.
strongly disagree strongly agree

46. The first duty of every young American is to honor the national American history and heritage.
strongly disagree strongly agree

47. The important thing for the U.S. foreign aid program is to see to it that the U.S. gains a political advantage.
strongly disagree strongly agree

48. The important thing for the U.S. foreign aid program is to see to it that the U.S. gains a political advantage.
strongly disagree strongly agree

49. Generally, the more influence America has on other nations, the better off they are.
strongly disagree strongly agree

Part D

Finally, here are a few questions about the government in Washington D.C. Type in the responses in the text boxes next to each question. Many people don't know the answers to these questions, so if you don't know, just type "Don't Know" in the text box provided or select the "Don't Know/Not sure" option.

Please use the TAB key to navigate across items. Do NOT use the ENTER key.

50. Whose responsibility is it to nominate federal judges?

51. What are the first ten amendments called?

52. Which political party currently has the most seats in the Senate?

53. What position is held by William H. Rehnquist?

54. What position is held by John Ashcroft?

55. How many U.S. senators represent the state of California?

56. How many years is the term of a United States Congressman/woman in the House of Representatives? years

The following questions ask you to categorize a number of contemporary political leaders as politically liberal or conservative. Please read the name carefully and then select the label that best describes the official.

57. Jack Kemp
don't know/not sure
58. Diane Feinstein
don't know/not sure
59. Robert Dole
don't know/not sure
60. Gray Davis
don't know/not sure
61. Ronald Reagan
don't know/not sure
62. Rush Limbaugh
don't know/not sure
63. Ralph Nadar
don't know/not sure
64. What is the job or political office currently held by Dick Cheney?

65. Whose responsibility is it to determine if a law is constitutional or not? Is it the President, the Congress or the Supreme Court?
Supreme Court

66. How much of a majority is required for the U.S. Senate and House to override a presidential vote?

67. Do you happen to know which political party currently has the most members in the House of Representatives?

68. Would you say that one of the parties is more conservative than the other at the national level? Which party is more conservative?

Demographic Items

69. What is your age? years.

70. Gender: Are you Male or Female?
71. How many years of Education have you completed? Put 12 for High School Diploma
Put 16 for college diploma (bachelor's degree).
put 20 for doctorate degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc).

72. Which political party do you most identify with?
Other--please specify
73. Do you consider yourself politically:
Very Liberal
Very Conservative
74. What is your religion?
Christian--please specify denomination
Other--please specify
75. Nationality (country of birth):

76. What is your race or ethnicity?
Other--please specify
77. What is your total yearly income (before taxes)?
under $10,000
$90,000 and over
Don't Know/Not Sure

This is a three-part survey. In order to match your survey responses for parts one through three, please enter the last four digits of your student ID/Social Security number here.
Enter your ID number here. ATTN CSUF STUDENTS: This 4-digit number will also be used to give class credit.

When you are finished with this page please check your answers and click on the "Finished" button below. .

You have now completed the National Policy Survey--Thank you!