Instructions for Volunteering for Medical Research

This is a study of factors that influence the decision to volunteer to be a subject in medical research. Assume that you are a healthy person free of disease and that your motive is to help establish the side-effects of a new drug. Your task is to consider the risks involved and the payment you receive and decide the liklihood that you would volunteer.

Risk refers to the chances that something bad might happen.

Minimal risk refers to a drug that has already been tested in previous research and found to have no bad reactions. YOu are asked to try the drug as part of a larger study to assess the risks of rare side-effects.
Low risk refers to a drug that has already been tested in a small sample, but some of those participants had allergic reactions. In such cases, it might be possible that there would be a serious reaction in a few people, but this is not likely.
Risky refers to a drug that has been tested in a number of studies. A few test patients died during the testing, which might have been due to their disease or possibly to the drug. You are warned that the deaths may have been due to side-effects of medication.
Very risky is a drug that definitely produced serious side effects. The drug company insists that these were due to impurities in the materials tested, but some scientists believe that the drug is too risky for testing. You are warned that the previous testing resulted in kidney failure and liver damage, and a few of the participants died as a result of these complications.

Payment refers to how much you are paid for participation. This is either $50, $500, $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000.

Warmup Trials Volunteering for Medical Research

Risk: minimal
Payment: $50
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: very risky
Payment: $5,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: minimal
Payment: $5,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: very risky
Payment: $50
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: minimal
Payment: $5,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: low
Payment: $500
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: minimal
Payment: $1,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: low
Payment: $50
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: minimal
Payment: $50
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: very risky
Payment: $500
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: minimal
Payment: $500
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: low
Payment: $5,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: low
Payment: $1,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: risky
Payment: $50
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: very risky
Payment: $1,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: very risky
Payment: $5,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: risky
Payment: $500
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: risky
Payment: $5,000
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: very risky
Payment: $50
very very unlikely very very likely

Risk: risky
Payment: $1,000
very very unlikely very very likely

17. What is your age? years.
18. Gender: Are you Male or Female?

19. How many years of Education have you completed? Put 12 for High School Diploma
Put 16 for college diploma (bachelor's degree).
put 20 for doctorate degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc).
20. Nationality (country of birth):

Please check your answers. When you are done, push the button below.

Thank You!