Faculty Survey on Student Evaluations

This survey is confidential; information will be reported as statistical summaries only. Please scroll down, look at the survey, and decide if you are willing to complete it. It takes 5-10 min. A small comment space is provided below, but longer comments are welcome, which may be sent by email after submitting your answers here.

Student Preparation

Preparation refers to: (a) knowledge base in college preparatory subjects; (b) study skills; (c) reading, writing, computation, and problem solving skills. 1. Please assess the preparation of students who are now enrolled in your college or university, compared to previous years. Students are now BETTER prepared for college. Students are equally well prepared as in previous years. Students are NOT as well prepared now as in previous years. 2. What percentage of students enrolled in your lower division classes possess the skills in reading, writing, and computation that should be expected from the top third of high school graduates? % (type answer here;don't hit enter key)

Trends in University Classes

3. Over the years, have you changed the amount of material presented in your classes? I now present LESS material. I present the SAME amount of material. I now present MORE material. 4. Over the years, have you changed the standards required to get a passing grade in your classes? I now use HIGHER standards, making it harder to pass. I use the SAME standards. I now use LOWER standards, making it easier to pass.

Student Evaluations

Student evaluations are questionnaires given to students during the last week of instruction, on which students evaluate their professors anonymously. 5. If you were to RAISE standards for grades in your class, would it affect your student evaluations? HIGHER standards get lower student evaluations. No difference. HIGHER standards get higher student evaluations. 6. If you were to INCREASE the amount of CONTENT (material) in your classes, would it affect student evaluations? MORE material gets lower ratings from students. it makes no difference MORE material gets higher ratings from students. 7. Are student evaluations influenced by such variables as the teacher's personality, attractiveness, gender, race, dress, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability status? Students are BIASED against some groups. Anonymous ratings are UNBIASED. Students FAVOR certain groups.

Student Learning

Student learning refers to knowledge of the subject matter, as might be measured by objective, standardized exams (e. g., GRE tests of subject matter). Student learning refers to the sum of knowledge and skills that the average student retains from the class and will be able to use in the future, not just on a particular exam date. 8. How would increasing the content covered in class and in assigned readings affect student learning? INCREASED content would INCREASE student learning. It makes NO DIFFERENCE INCREASED content would DECREASE student learning. 9. How would raising standards for grading affect student learning? RAISING standards would INCREASE student learning. It makes no difference RAISING standards would DECREASE student learning. 10. What percentage of graduates in your department possess the general education, specific skills, and knowledge base that should be required of a graduate in your department? % (type answer here; do not hit enter)

Incentive Structure

11. Does the current system of promotion and tenure give incentives to RAISE standards for grading? YES. NO. 12. Does the current system of promotion and tenure encourage faculty to LOWER their standards? YES. NO. 13. Does the use of student evaluations encourage faculty to "WATER DOWN" content in courses? YES. NO.

Grade Distributions

14. The highest GPAs in most U.S. universities are by students who intend to become K-12 teachers. Do you think that these are the better students in the university? YES. They are ABOVE AVERAGE. They are AVERAGE. They are BELOW AVERAGE. 15. What percentage of undergraduates who want to become K-12 teachers do you think should become teachers? % (type answer here; do not hit enter)

Your Background

16. What is your university (e.g., Harvard, Oxford, UCLA, CSUF)? (type answer here; do not use enter) 17. How long have you been teaching? 0-6 years. 6-12 years. 12-24 years. more than 24 years. 18. What is your academic rank? Lecturer, untenured. Assistant or Assoc. Prof, untenured. Associate Prof, tenured. Full Professor, tenured. 19. What is your School (e.g., Life Sciences, Humanities, etc.)? (type answer here) 20. What is your department? (type answer here) 21. Country (Nation) of Birth: 22. Do you teach at California State University? YES. NO.

Comments on Student Evaluations

If you wish, you can put your NAME (optional) in the following space; brief comments can also be put in the following space. If you have lengthy comments, please send them by email to mbirnbaum@fullerton.edu from the following screens.

PLEASE CHECK to make sure that you have answered all the questions.

When you are finished, click the button below to send data. If you have other comments, they can be sent by email from following screens. There is also a 30 min. instrument designed to measure the determinants of student evaluations and student learning. You are invited to participate in that as well, which you can reach from following screens. Thank you.