Most assignments are announced in class, some of which refer to the Course Materials Packet

The assignments below are the ones assigned in class to do via this Website. In some cases, you are to answer questions on paper and turn them in at class.

To get credit for the logic test, the personality test, or the practice quiz, put the last four digits of your student ID (CWID) in the comments box. Some of these materials are notes to help you study or perceptual demonstrations to experience, rather than items for credit. For example, notes on the history of medicine are included to help you organize what has been presented in class that is not in Kalat's book; these will help you be able to analyze the "medical model" of mental illness.

  1. Columbus Debated the Scholars (Powerpoint)
  2. World Map (JPEG)
  3. National Geographic: Brain Games: Pay Attention Assignment: Watch this program and turn in your answers to these questions: (1) How many times did David Copperfield's name or image appear? (2) How many times did he say "magic"? (3) Was the corporate CEO able to talk on the phone and drive his car safely at the same time? (4) Was he better, worse, or average in his ability to do two things at the same time, compared to other people? (5) Based on the information in this program, do you think that a person can learn from a class and also talk to a friend, or can a person learn in class and simultaneously check text messages?

    If the above link does not work, try this one for the program: Attention Video

  4. View the FRONTLINE program about Facilitated Communication, Prisoners of Silence. If this link does not work, you can view in in parts via YouTube (see below). Homework: Write out answers to these questions and turn in at the next class: (a) Did all of the facilitators (e.g., Marian Pitsas) continue to believe in facilitated communication after they saw the results of the "Clever Hans" test of communication (O.D. Heck study)? (b) Was it true that the son of the pharmacist (Matthew) could answer questions about Shakespeare? (c) What did the facilitator who "uncovered" the accusation of sexual abuse against the pharmacist (who was accused of abusing his son, Matthew) end up doing after the Clever Hans test? (d) What did the son's High School end up doing about facilitated communication, as of the end of the program? (e) What were the conclusions of the program regarding facilitated communication?
  5. Logic Test
  6. Personality Questionnaire
  7. Eliza, the Rogerian Therapist. Tell her your problems. Tell her your last four digits of CWID.
  8. Philosophy of Science: Basic Terms (PowerPoint)
  9. Theory of Unverifiable Brownies (Powerpoint)
  10. Notes on History of Medicine
  11. View this program on YouTube: Amazing Randi, Uri Geller, and Peter Popoff, and answer this question for homework: What is the last thing that Randi is doing at the end of the program? Turn in your answer at the next class.
  12. Discovering Psychology: View Program #8 on Learning. Take notes and prepare for quiz and exam items on this video. Answer this question for homework: why did the rats die when drinking sweet water? Use the terminology of learning in your answer.
  13. Notes on History of Astronomy
  14. Link to Kalat Web site--practice tests, flash cards and more. When exams are assigned, print out and turn in p. 1 only. Do pretest, multiple choice test, and post-test for Chapters 2 (Research Methods) and Chapter 6 (Learning) Do NOT send as e-mail!!!
  15. Review this before Exam 1
  16. Study Guide: Review Questions
  17. Practice Quiz (Do this before Exam 1 for practice)
  18. Links to Statistics Reviews
  19. = Link to Kahn Academy--free lectures on many topics, including statistics
  20. Annenberg program = Against All Odds: Inside Statistics. View Program # 1. For homework: identify the Independent Variable and Dependent Variable of the experiment on rewards and creativity.
  21. Three systems for Assigning Grades to Exam Scores
  22. Links to Statistics Reviews
  23. Link to Against All Odds: Inside Statistics--View program #9 on Correlation. For homework, answer these questions: (1) What do Bouchard and Segal say about the correlations in personality measures between identical twins raised together and apart? Based on these results, do they think personality is mostly determined by heredity or by environment? (2) What is the correlation between home runs and strike outs? (3) What was the finding of the Coleman report that surprised the researchers on that report?
  24. Link to Kalat Web site--practice tests, flash cards and more. When exams are assigned, print out and turn in p. 1 only. Do multiple choice test Chapter 9 (Intelligence), Do NOT send homework as e-mail!!!
  25. Discovering Psychology: View Program #3 on the Brain. Take notes on these videos and expect quiz items and exam items on this material and Chapter 3 (Biological Psychology) of Kalat.
  26. Discovering Psychology: View Programs #4 on the Brain. Take notes on these videos and expect quiz items and exam items on this material and Chapter 3 of Kalat.
    Brief Video on Split Brain and Hemispheric specialization
  27. Link to Kalat Web site--practice tests, flash cards and more. When exams are assigned, print out and turn in p. 1 only. Do multiple choice test for Chapter 3 (Brain/ Physiological Psychology/ Biological Psychology) and Chapter 4 (Sensation-Perception) Do NOT send as e-mail!!!
  28. Discovering Psychology: View Programs #5 and #6 on Development. Take notes on these videos and expect quiz items and/or exam items on this material.
  29. Blind Spot Homework Assignment and Emmert Law Assignment
  30. Discovering Psychology: View Program #7 on Sensation-Perception. Take notes on these videos and expect quiz items and exam items on this material. View NatGeo Brain Games Episode on Perception
  31. Link to Kalat Web site--practice tests, flash cards and more. Do multiple choice test and turn in p. 1 only. Do multiple choice test for Chapter 3 (Brain/ Physiological Psychology/ Biological Psychology), and Chapter 4 (Sensation-Perception)
  32. The following Assignments are for Sensation and Perception
  33. Discovering Psychology: View Programs #9 and #10 on Memory and Cognitive Processes.
  34. Elizabeth Loftus on Memory (18 min.). View this video and answer this question: Does Prof. Loftus think that psychotherapists have recovered repressed memories? What does she think about psychotherapy and memory?
    If above link does not work, try this one: Loftus Video at TED site
  35. Elizabeth Loftus (1 min.) on Recovered Memories in Psychotherapy
  36. Discovering Psychology: View Program #11 on Judgment and Decision Making.
  37. // Discovering Psychology: View Programs #19 and #20 on Social Psychology Prof. Zimbardo specializes in Social Psychology and is famous for the "Stanford prison study." How does that study relate to recent US History? Expect quiz and exam items on topics of these videos.
  38. Link to Kalat Web site. Do Final Exam at Kalat site. Print out and turn in one page (showing score) only. Do not email.
  39. Study Guide: Review Questions: Last Segment of Course
  40. What to Study for Final Exam
  41. Last assignment essay on your plans and goals

Some Topical Links

  1. History of Federal Debt
  2. History of Income Tax Rates
  3. CIA facts: ranking nations by child mortality. The USA was ranked 50th but dropped when Trump was president, so this site was removed. (where 1 = best)
  4. Nosocomial infections in the USA and Europe

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