
Write an essay describing your plans, your goals for education and for your career. Please type your essay, which can be between one and five pages, double spaced, one inch margins, 12 point font.

Topics to include (and questions to answer).

1. Your major in college.

2. What do you plan to do for a profession or job?

What skills, talents, or abilities are needed for your occupation, what skills do you have, and how do you plan to acquire the skills you lack? For example, can you create Web pages in HTML? Can you create computer programs in Java? JavaScript? Can you use popular computer software for statistical analysis (e.g., SPSS), spreadsheet analysis (e.g., Excel), publishing (e.g., LaTex)? Can you speak foreign languages? Can you write concise, clear reports, following a specific format (e.g., APA style reports)? Can you solve practical numerical problems such as arise in a factory using trigonometry and algebra? Can you repair (or assemble) an electronic device such as a computer? Can you use and interpret accounting programs to analyze financial reports? Can you prepare income taxes? If you were the person to hire in your field, what qualities would you want in the employee you hire?

What is your plan for achieving your goals (and how does a college education fit in)? Have you read "help wanted" ads in your field to see if there are jobs open in your field of interest?

Why are you attending this university? Are you attending the university for personal enrichment (to acquire an appreciation of arts and sciences or world culture, to satisfy intellectual curiosity, etc.), to qualify for a better job, to meet others of similar interest, to obey or please parents, a combination of these or other motives?

Hint: You might want to keep this essay or at least the information in it when you next visit your department’s counselor. That person can give advice on what courses are required for a major, but may also be able to tell you if the major qualifies you for a particular occupation.