Why Grades Cannot be Sent via Email, Telephone, or to Parents

The The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, sets forth requirements designed to protect the privacy of student educational records. The law governs access to records maintained by educational institutions and the release of information from those records.

Email has two problems:

Grades Cannot be given by Telephone for the same reasons.

Solution 1: Send requests for grades via Postal Mail or deliver them to the university office of the professor. Include Student record number, a SIGNED REQUEST for release of the information, and a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE. It is a federal crime to forge the signature of another person or to deliver mail to the wrong person; therefore, postal mail is considered a secure way to send information regarding grades and other private information relating to a student. Be sure to include FULL NAME, Campus Wide ID, YEAR and SEMESTER you took the course, and DAY and TIME the class met.

Solution 2: Use the campus secure system for reviewing grades.

Solution 3: Write your congressman and request that the FERPA law be changed.

Grading Policy

Grades are based on the procedures set forth in the syllabus for the class. If the syllabus does not provide for grading of excuses and other explanations for poor performance, then these factors cannot be evaluated for the purpose of grading. Once submitted, grades are final and will not be changed, except in case that the instructor made an error in computing the grade based on the policy stated in the Syllabus. Attempts to be graded by procedures not stated in the syllabus constitute attempts to cheat, and will be reported to the appropriate administrators.