Chapter 4 Quiz

Keep taking the quiz until you get 100%. Then submit your score for credit.

1. Which of the following HTML tags requires a closing tag?


2. When working with HTML codes, the term nesting refers to:

lining up all the codes at the left side of the page
building up combinations of features for text display
moving your work to a browser
adding a new font to the page
putting a line across the page above and below the text

3. A line return is created by which tag?


4. A line across the page can be created by which tag?


5. A subdivision of a window, allowing display of two different HTML files at the same time, is called:

a line break
a horizontal rule
a paragraph
a frame
a target

6. When viewing the source code of a Web page, you come across the following: <!What is your>age? This displays as:

What is your age?
(nothing is displayed)
What is your age?

End of Quiz

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