Your task is to judge the ratio of darkness between each pair of dot patterns. Each judgment is like a division problem, judging the darkness on the left divided by the darkness on the right. Estimate your ratios expressed as percentages, as in the following examples:
12.5= pattern on the LEFT is 1/8 as dark as pattern on the RIGHT
25 = pattern on the LEFT is 1/4 as dark as pattern on the RIGHT
50 = pattern on the LEFT is 1/2 as dark as pattern on the RIGHT
100 = pattern on the LEFT is equally as dark as pattern on the RIGHT
200 = pattern on the LEFT is two times as dark as pattern on the RIGHT
400 = pattern on the LEFT is four times as dark as pattern on the RIGHT
800 = pattern on the LEFT is eight times as dark as pattern on the RIGHT
You may use any numbers, in between or more extreme than the above examples, to express your estimations of ratios of darkness.