Instructions for Differences in Occupational Prestige

This is a study of judgments of differences in occupational prestige. How prestigious is it to be a physician? How prestigious is it to be a plumber? Your task is to judge the difference between the first and second occupations. Use the following scale:
1=first occupation is very much less prestigious than the second
2=first occupation is much less prestigious than the second
3=first occupation is less prestigious than the second
4=first occupation is slightly less prestigious than the second
5=first occupation is equally as prestigious as the second
6=first occupation is slightly more prestigious than the second
7=first occupation is more prestigious than the second
8=first occupation is much more prestigious than the second
9=first occupation is very much more prestigious than the second

Please use integers from 1 to 9 to rate the difference in prestige between the first and second occupations.

Warmup Trials: Differences in Occupational Prestige

W1. trash collector - trash collector
(Since this compares trash collector to itself, the difference is zero, so record, 5, for equally prestigious).

W2. physician - trash collector
(Which is more prestigious? Is the first occupation more prestigious than the second? By how much?)

W3. trash collector - physician
(Which is more prestigious? This difference will be the opposite of W2).

W4. physician - physician
(This difference is also zero, so you would write 5).

W5. architect - car mechanic

W6. plumber - college professor

W7. police officer - factory worker

W8. police officer - factory worker

W9. nurse - carpenter

Please re-read the instructions, check your warm-ups, and then continue to the trials below.

1. physician - college professor
2. physician - factory worker
3. architect - car mechanic
4. physician - car mechanic
5. plumber - factory worker
6. plumber - carpenter
7. trash collector - nurse
8. plumber - college professor
9. trash collector - factory worker
10. plumber - nurse
11. physician - nurse
12. trash collector - college professor
13. architect - factory worker
14. trash collector - carpenter
15. architect - carpenter
16. police officer - factory worker
17. architect - nurse
18. police officer - car mechanic
19. police officer - college professor
20. plumber - car mechanic
21. architect - college professor
22. physician - carpenter
23. police officer - carpenter
24. trash collector - car mechanic
25. police officer - nurse

26. What is your age? years.
27. Gender: Are you Male or Female?

28. How many years of Education have you completed? Put 12 for High School Diploma
Put 16 for college diploma (bachelor's degree).
put 20 for doctorate degree (Ph.D., M.D., etc).
29. Nationality (country of birth):

Please check your answers. When you are done, push the button below.

Thank You!