Instructions for Ratios of Occupational Prestige
This is an experiment in estimation of ratios of occupational prestige. How prestigious is it to be a physician? How prestigious is it to be a plumber? Your task is to think about the occupations, then compare them by judging the ratio of the prestige of first occupation to that of the second. Make your ratio judgments in accord with the following examples:
12.5=first occupation is 1/8 as prestigious as the second
25=first occupation is 1/4 as prestigious as the second
50=first occupation is 1/2 as prestigious as the second
100=first occupation is equally as prestigious as the second
200=first occupation is twice as prestigious as the second
400=first occupation is four times as prestigious as the second
800=first occupation is eight times as prestigious as the second
Use any numbers consistent with the above scheme (in between or more extreme)to express the ratio of the first occupation to the second. A ratio of 1 is recorded as 100. If you think the first occupation is more prestigious than the second, your judgment will be more than 100; if the first occupation is less prestigious, then you will use responses less than 100, meaning the ratio is less than 1.
Warmup Trials: Ratios of Occupational Prestige