May 4, 2001
This is the WebWalker Virtual Press Electronic Book titled The Ugly JavaScript Book by John Keyes. To browse it locally, just open the "index.htm" file in the "u" folder (directory) with
your Browser or by clicking here.
John and Erika Keyes
- If the images do not display when you open "index.htm" after
you have decompressed the zipped or stuffed file:
- Be sure that your preferences for the unzipping utility have not "folded" the file names into upper case. All file names and image files should have lowercase names.
- If your unzipping utility has a switch for recursive files, be sure that the -r switch (in preferences) is set.
- If nothing happens when you click on the checkboxes or "Start
Music" buttons, check your browser enablement. Select the
"Preferences" under "Edit" at the top of your screen. Then, if you
are using a Netscape® browser, select "Advanced" from the dialogue box that appears. Be certain that there is a check in the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox. If you are using Microsoft® Explorer, select "Java" and be sure that "Enable Java" is checked. Then, select "Web Content" and be sure that "Enable Scripting" is checked.
- For music to be played, you'll need Liveaudio®, Yamaha®
Midplug for XG, Crescendo!®, QuickTime® or other MIDI file
playback plugin in the plugins folder for your browser. (We
all hear differently and you may want to experiment with the
various music plugins to see which suits your ear the best)
- In order for your book to "remember" what chapter you are
reading, you need to enable "Magic Cookies" in your browser - at
least partially. You can disable them for web surfing and still
accept them when reading this book -- probably a good idea. With
your Explorer, under "Edit", choose "Preferences..." and select
"Cookies" and activate the "Ask for each cookie" selection unless
you want to always allow them. With your Navigator or
Communicator, under Edit.", "Preferences...", select "Advanced" and
turn cookies on, but check the "Warn me before selecting a Cookie"
checkbox, which will leave the decision up to you.
Be sure to let us know right away if you have problems browsing
this book. You must have Netscape® Navigator 4.x or newer, Netscape
Communicator 4.x or newer, or Microsoft® Explorer 4.x or 5,x in
order for the images to be "swapped", for the background music to
be enabled and for the software to "remember" what chapter you
are reading -- key JavaScript calls not supported by some older
John and Erika Keyes
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