The Ugly JavaScript Book - Chapter Five

Chapter Five
Clocks and Calendars

Using JavaScript to obtain the time and date in your applications is quite easy. That said, however, don't think that the code itself will be simple to keep straight in your mind.
     The built-in calls have very similar names that are very easy to mix up. For that reason, I have a virtual plethora of sample scripts at the AutoScripter(tm) Web Site for different screen clocks and calendars that you may just paste into your own pages, and even more here.
     The call upon which all Date and Time scripts are based is new Date();
     This call sets a variable equal to a string containing the full date and time on the visitor's computer, hence is the local time.
     It takes this form:

variable=new Date();
     Most everything that you will do with time and date in JavaScript begins with this built-in call.
     This call sets a variable with all the stuff it needs for subsequent lines of code to permit you to display the current time, the present date and so on.
     variable is the word or group of letters you decide to use to hold the date info. This string variable is then used by the other time and date functions to yield the month, the day of the month, the day of the week, the hour of the day, the minutes and seconds.
     You first get variable set, then you can get the other time and date information that you may want.
     If nothing is contained between the parentheses of Date(), variable will be set to the current time and date (as of right this instant)
     However, if you include a specific date and time as a literal or variable set equal to a string within the parentheses, variable will be set for that specified time and date.

dt=new Date();
/* Sets dt equal to theTime and Date
   Now. For example, dt might be set
   equal to "Fri Jan 17 09:23:30 1998" */

dt=new Date("May 4, 1998 15:00:00");
/* Sets dt equal to the specific date
   within the parentheses. You have
   assigned the date in this case. */

     We've decided to use the variable "dt" as our variable. In the functions that follow, we'll always start with getting the new Date() set equal to dt.
     But you could use "today" or "tdy" in lieu of "dt". It is simply a variable name for this string.
     Now there are a series of JavaScript calls that "pick apart" the string you have set equal to the date and time (whether it is the present date and time or one you have assigned to it)
     These make your job of getting the day of the week, the day of the month, the month of the year, etc. quickly and easily without a bunch of code to parse apart the date string.

     This sets yr equal to the last two digits of the year from your script, based upon the way you have set your Date() variable.
     Since you only get the last two digits of the year, you should get in the habit of routinely prefixing it with "19".

Caution: This is fairly limited and must be used with care. Since the Date() function is based upon milliseconds since January 1, 1970, dates prior to that will be incorrect.

dt=new Date();

The "Millenium Bug" or "Y2K Problem" has been resolved. Although there were code methodologies to correct the "getYear()" call to deliver 2000 century dates, both Navigator® and Explorer accommodated a new call:

dt=new Date();

     This new call returned a string purportedly correct from "0000" to "9999", or a full 10,000 years.
     Not quite true, actually. The change from the Julian to Gregorian calendar in November of 1582 eliminated four days from the second week of the month. So no calendar built with a date prior to November of 1582 will be correct.

     This will allow you to read the month of the year from your script, based upon the way you have set your Date() variable.

dt=new Date();
     This will set the variable "mo" equal to the present month less one.
     Why less one? Because it will be a numeric from 0 through 11. Zero corresponds to January, eleven corresponds to December. Watch this one - I manage to always "forget" that 11=December the first time through a script.

dt=new Date("May 1, 1997 1:10:00);

This will set the numeric variable "mo" equal to 4.


     Don't let this confuse you. It does not give you a date -- instead it allows you to get the number corresponding to the day of the particular month you have in dt.
     Also be careful not to confuse this call with the getDay() call, which returns the day of the week.

dt=new Date();

     Although I used "mody", you can use a variable name you decide upon for your script to be set equal to the day of the month.
     Caution: mody will be set equal to a numeric - a number between 1 and 31. And not to a number from 0-30. For some reason, this value is not consistent with the other stuff for time and date, which all initiate from zero.


     This will allow you to read the day of the week from your script, based upon the way you have set your Date() variable.

dt=new Date();

     wkdy will be set equal to a numeric from 0 through 6, with 0 corresponding to Sunday, 1 to Monday, 2 for Tuesday, etc.


     This will allow you to read the hours portion of time from your script, based upon the way you have set your Date() variable.

dt=new Date();

     hrs will be set equal to a numeric from 0 through 23. This is, of course military time. If you wish to display conventional time, the code following will allow you to convert it and set a variable I have named "mer" to "am" or "pm" and correct to "civilian" time:



     This will allow you to read the minutes portion of time from your script, based upon the way you have set your Date() variable.

dt=new Date();

     min will be set equal to a numeric from 0 through 59.


     This will allow you to read the seconds portion of time from your script, based upon the way you have set your Date() variable.

dt=new Date();

     sec will be set equal to a numeric from 0 through 59.

Let's write some scripts using date and time. Well, that was kinda intense, hunh? If you aren't just a bit confused, I feel compelled to tell you that I wish to worship at the altar of your feet!
     OK. Let's play with a script that simply prints the date and time to your page at the time the visitor enters your page.

<TITLE>Simple Date, Time</TITLE>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
function getDt(){
 dt=new Date();
 /* Now build the string for the
   calendar date. */
 // Now set the time variables
 // And then correct to civilian time
 tm=" "+((hrs>12)?hrs-12:hrs)+":";
 tm+=((sec<10)?"0":"")+sec+" ";
// End Hiding -->
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
// End Hiding -->

Click Here to See the Script.

     Ah, but that is so unsatisfying, somehow! You really would prefer to have the time kept current, rather than simply displaying the time way back when the visitor first loaded your page.
     Well, I've been watching you, and I think you are ready for the next big step: time outs.
     You can tell your visitors' computers to wait awhile and then do something. For a clock, you can tell their computers to wait exactly one second and then print the current time to screen.
     Or, if you aren't displaying seconds, you can tell their computers to wait a full minute and then redisplay the time.
     Here are the two calls you'll need:

     This very important call is used in dozens of different ways and you will be using it in many of your scripts - not just for on-screen real-time clocks, but for animation and buttons which light and depress, etc.
     variable is generally a JavaScript instruction that you want to occur. x is the number of milliseconds you want to elapse before that instruction is implemented.
     Since you probably don't do many things with milliseconds, it won't hurt to remember that 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
     It is important to remember that nothing at all happens with a .setTimeout() call until after the specified time has elapsed. The call won't be implemented at all if the user leaves the page before the time has elapsed.
     This call performs the variable instruction only once. If you want it to be performed repeatedly, you must set it in a loop of some sort.

Giving Timeouts a name is necessary when you wish to define a second variable that can interrupt a .setTimeout() call that you have initiated within a loop.
     This built-in capability to name a .setTimeout() gives you a "hook" that will allow you to exit that loop and stop the process.
     The following examples will show you a couple samples of this combo.

<TITLE>Reflexes Test</TITLE>
<!-- Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
function slowReflex(){
 alert("Your reflexes are really slow!!!");
function startIt(){
function clearIt(){
 if (dmp!=""){
// End Hiding -->
<BODY BGCOLOR=WHITE onLoad=startIt()>
If you are not already brain dead, click the button below
within 5 seconds and nothing will happen
onClick="clearIt();return false;">

Click Here to see this script.

     This call cancels a timeout that was set (and is still looping) by calling the variable name that was affixed ("hooked") to the setTimeout() call.
     Here's a script that employs both the calls to display a real time clock with the display sent to a form element on screen:
<TITLE>Form Element Clock 1</TITLE>
<!-- Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
var flg=0;

function bgnIt(){
/* First we check to see that our clock
    is not running. If flg is set to 1 we want
   to stop it. */
 if (flg!=0){
 doIt(); // OK, we can start clock loop

function doIt(){
 dt=new Date();
 str=""+((hrs>=12)?" pm":" am");
 hrs= ((hrs>12)?hrs-12:hrs);
 str=hrs+((min< 10)?":0":":")+min
 +((sec<10)?":0": ":")+sec+str;
<BR>Start Clock
<BR>Stop Clock
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rb onClick="flg=1;clearTimeout(dispIt);">

Click Here to see this script.

     At times you may want to fancy the display somewhat:

<TITLE>Form Element Clock 2</TITLE>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
var flg=0;
var today=new Date();
var M=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June",
var D=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday",
function stopit(){
function startit(){
function Clock(){
 now=new Date();
 ls+=((sec<10)?"0":"")+sec+" ";
<!--We start the clock running in the BODY call-->
<BODY BGCOLOR=WHITE onLoad=startit()>
<B>JavaScript to Print a Simple Form
Element Clock to Screen</B>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
+", "+M[today.getMonth()]
+" "+today.getDate()+", 19"
// End Hiding -->
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rb onClick="stopit()"> Stop the Clock
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rb onClick="startit()" CHECKED> Start the

<!--Your Web Page goes here-->


Click Here to See This Script.

     To make your clock more "elegant" and to have it display without the "jerkiness" of the form element type update, you need to use image swaps.
     The image swap calls are discussed in more detail in Chapter Twenty-Two.

<TITLE>Image Swap Clock 3</TITLE>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
var ns="0123456789";
var flg=0;
var today=new Date();
var M=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June",
var D=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday",
function stopit(){
function startit(){
function prtIt(){
 // Just printing the colons one time here
function Clock(){
 dt=new Date();
 for (var i=0;i<2;i++){
 for (var i=0;i<2;i++){
// End Hiding-->
<!--We start the clock running in the BODY call-->
<B>JavaScript to Print an Image Swap Clock to Screen</B>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
document.write('<TABLE BORDER=0>'
for (var i=0;i<10;i++){
if (i==9){
document.write('<IMG SRC="nr/w.gif" WI'
+'DTH='+w+' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0>')
document.write("</TD></TR><TR><TD ALI"
+D[today.getDay()]+", "+M[today.getMonth()]
+" "+today.getDate()
+", "+today.getFullYear()
// End Hiding -->
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rb onClick="stopit()"> Stop the Clock
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=rb onClick="startit()" CHECKED> Start the

Click Here to See This Script.

Calendars use the same new Date() call we've been using for clocks can also be used to build calendars - simple ones or more complex variable event calendars - depending upon what your pages need.
     The simplest calendar is one for this month.

<TITLE>Basic Calendar</TITLE>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
var flg=0;
/* The var fs below is set to control the
   font size (and hence the overall size of
   the calendar) You may set it at any
   value from 1 through 7. */
var fs=7;
/* The var bg is set equal to cyan to
   control the background color of the
   calendar. You may change it to any of
   the literal word colors (see Appendix
   C) that you prefer. */
var bg="cyan";
var M=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June",
var D=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday",
// Last day of months string:
var d="312831303130313130313031";

function Calendar(){
 /* First we get the present date and
    time. Then we set mo equal to the
    month (0 - 11), and yr equal to the full
    4 digits of the year. */
 today=new Date();
 /* Now we get the date and time for this
    month on the first day of the month.
    Why? It's a quick and dirty way to find
    the day of the week that the first falls
    on. You could use a loop and count
    backwards to the first, keeping track
    of the weekdays as you went, of
    course. */
 bgn=new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr1);
 /* Now, convert the string yr into a
    numeric and test for leap year. If it is,
    change the end of month day string
    for Feb to 29 */
 if (yr1/4==Math.floor(yr1/4)){
 /* Finally, pick the end of month day from
    the d string for this month. */
 /* Now we are finally ready to shoot the
    mess to screen. Ain't life grand? Initiate
    the HTML for the table, then write the
    month and year. */
 document.write("<TABLE BORDER=2"
 +" BGCOLOR='"+bg
 +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">"+M[mo]+" "+yr
 /* Now write the days of the week from
    that array into their own teensy
     row. */
 for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
  +"<FONT SIZE=1>"+D[i]+"</FONT></TD>");
 /* Now we print the first week of the
    month to screen, skipping the cells
    until we finally encounter the day of
    the week corresponding to the first
    day of the month. */
 for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  if (i<dy){
  document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
  +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+"> </FONT>"
  document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
  +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">"+ctr+"</FONT>"
 /* OK. Now we can finish up the calendar,
    just incrementing and printing cells until
    we have printed the last day (ld) of the
    month, then skipping cells to finish it
    all up. */
 while (ctr<ld){
  for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
   if (ctr>ld){
    document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
    document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
    +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">"+ctr+"</TD>");
<!-- Other Web Page Content here, if desired -->
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
// End Hiding -->
<!-- Other Web Page Content here, if desired -->

Click Here to See Script.

     OK. You've seen how to do a basic calendar. But you may well want to integrate events for an organization into that calendar to make it more useful for vistors to your site.
     But you want to keep maintenance to a minimum. Ain't no easy way to do that, unfortunately.
     But a slightly more complicated calendar will integrate events into the display from a monthly events array:

<TITLE>Event Calendar</TITLE>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
var flg=0;
/* You control the size of this calendar
   by specifying the font size (from 1
   through 7) in the var fs below. */
var fs=5;
var today=new Date();
var M=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June",
var D=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday",
var d="312831303130313130313031";
/* The events array - E - below uses an
   array element for each month from
   Jan thru Dec. The string for each
   month is indexed with a tilde (~), the
   date and a space, followed by the
   event description. Substitute the
   events you wish here. */
var E=new Array();
E[0]="~12 Ice Cream<BR>Social~15 M.L.K"
+"ing Jr.<BR>Birthday~23 Pot Luck<BR>"
E[1]="~12 Lincoln's<BR>Birthday~22 Geo"
E[2]="~17 St Pat's<BR>Day~28 Good"
+"<BR>Friday~30 Easter~";
E[3]="~6 Daylight<BR>Savings~22 Pass"
E[4]="~11 Mother's<BR>Day~17 Armed"
+"<BR>Forces~30 Memorial<BR>Day~";
E[5]="~14 Flag<BR>Day~15 Father's"
E[6]="~4 Independence<BR>Day~17 Con"
E[7]="~15 Summer<BR>Doldrums~";
E[8]="~1 Labor<BR>Day~22 Autumn"
E[9]="~12 Columbus<BR>Day~Halloween~";
E[10]="~6 Veteran's<BR>Day~23 Thank"
E[11]="~25 Christmas~";

function Calendar(){
 bgn=new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr);
 if (yr1/4==Math.floor(yr1/4)){
 document.write("<TABLE BORDER=2"
 +" BGCOLOR='cyan'><TR><TD ALIG"
 +fs+"><B>"+M[mo]+" "+yr
 for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER"
 +" WIDTH=14%><FONT SIZE=1>"
 for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  /* If the ctr is less than the day of the
    week determined to be the first day
    of the month, print a space in
    this cell of the table. */
  if (i<dy){
   document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
   +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">&nbsp;</FONT>"
  /* Otherwise, write date and the event,
    if any, in this cell of the table. */
   di=i; // carry var i outside this routine
 while (ctr<ld){
  for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
   /* If the ctr is greater than the last
      day of the month, print a space in
      this cell of the table. */
   if (ctr>ld){
    document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
   /* Otherwise, write date and the event,
      if any, in this cell of the table. */
    di=i; // carry var i outside this routine

function dupWrt(){
 document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
 +"<FONT SIZE="+fs);
 if (di==0){
   // Sundays red
  document.write(" COLOR='red'");
 /* For dates without an event, an
    HTML padder that will align dates
    properly with dates having an
    event. Here, space break space. */
 /* Then check for event in this month's
      events array for this date. If present,
      rewrite the tmp variable to contain
      the event. */
 pos=E[mo].indexOf("~"+ctr+" ");
 if (pos>-1){
 +"</B></FONT><BR><FONT SIZE=1>"
// End Hiding -->
<B>JavaScript to Print an Events Calendar to Screen</B><P>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
// End Hiding -->

Click Here to See Script.

     That was a pretty complicated script, but let's not stop there. Another format for you calendar that will be useful on your pages from time to time is the quarterly calendar.
     This next script simply takes your simple calendar script and repeats it three times to screen -- once for last month, once for this month and once for next month. Pretty awesome!

<TITLE>Basic Quarter Calendar</TITLE>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
/* This script is simply and adaptation of
   the simple calendar script we've already
   seen. All that is done is to subtract a
   month to commence the quarterly
   calendar with last month and to print
   the three months to screen. */
var flg=0;
/* The var fs below is set to control the
   font size (and hence the overall size of
   the calendars) Because three calendars
   take up room, lower value probably
   best */
var fs=1;
/* The var bg is set equal to cyan to
   control the background color of the
   calendar. You may change it to any of
   the literal word colors (see Appendix
   C) that you prefer. */
var bg="cyan";
var M=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June",
/* Note that day names were abbreviated
   in the array for this script to reduce
   ;width of the calendar overall. */
var D=new Array("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat");

function getBgn(){
 pdy=new Date(); // today
 pmo=pdy.getMonth(); // present month
 pyr=pdy.getFullYear(); // present year
 yr=(pmo==0?pyr-1:pyr); // last mo year
 mo=(pmo==0?11:pmo-1); // last month
 // assign last month stuff to date
 bgn=new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr1);
 document.write('<TABLE BORDER=0>"
 Calendar(); // Send last month to screen
 document.write('</TD><TD VALIGN="
 yr=pyr; // present year
 mo=pmo; // present month
 // assign present stuff to date
 bgn=new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr1);
 Calendar(); // Send this month to screen
 document.write('</TD><TD VALIGN"
 yr=(pmo==11?pyr+1:pyr);// next mo year
 mo=(pmo==11?0:pmo+1); // next month
 // assign next month stuff to date
 bgn=new Date(M[mo]+" 1,"+yr1);
 Calendar(); // Send next month to screen
  // Finish up

function Calendar(){
 /* All we do here is take the value for the
    month to be sent to screen and
    perform the same analysis for each in
    sequence. */
 /* Now, convert the string yr1 into a
    numeric and test for leap year. If it is,
    change the end of month day string
    for Feb to 29 */
 if (yr/4==Math.floor(yr/4)){
 /* Now we are finally ready to shoot the
   mess to screen. Ain't life grand? Initiate
   the HTML for the table, then write the
   month and year. */
 document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1"
 +" BGCOLOR='"+bg
 +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">"+M[mo]+" "+yr
 for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
 +"<FONT SIZE=1>"+D[i]+"</FONT></TD>");
 for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  if (i<dy){
   document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
   +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">&nbsp;</FONT>"
   document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
   +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">"+ctr+"</FONT>"
 while (ctr<ld){
  for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
   if (ctr>ld){
    document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
    document.write("<TD ALIGN=CENTER>"
    +"<FONT SIZE="+fs+">"+ctr+"</FONT>"

<P><B>JavaScript to Print Quarterly Calendar to Screen</B>
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
// End Hiding -->

Click Here to See This Script.

     Finally, some of the other calls that will be useful for building other kinds of calendars you might wish to display and some esoteric stuff.


     This sets variable equal to the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
     Caution: This is a carry variable used to transfer values of one date to another date variable. You do not get a useful time for most purposes. Instead, use the Date() function to get both date and time.
     This is generally used in conjunction with setTime() when converting a date other than the current date.

fwddt=new Date("July 4, 1997);
dt=new Date()

     Which results in the value of fwddt being assigned to dt. You might well ask, "Why not just do it in the first place?" Ah, a good question, indeed.


     This will set variable equal to the difference in minutes between the local time (i.e. on the present server) and Greenwich, UK Mean Time (GMT) - sometimes referred to in the Military as Time Zulu.

dt=new Date();
diff=dt.getTimezoneOffset(); // minutes
diff=dt.getTimezoneOffset()/60; // hours

     Both the differences were shown here, since it is easy to forget that the numeric value which is returned by .getTimezoneOffset() is in minutes and not hours.


     x will be set equal to the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 (local time)
     variable is a literal date or a variable you have set equal to a date. This can be a short or long version, and may include the Greenwich Mean Time offset.

str1="Dec 25, 1996 15:45:00";
str2="Wed,25 Dec 1996 15:45:00 GMT";
str3="Wed,25 Dec 1996 15:45:00 "
nr=Date.parse(str1); // or str2 or str3
nr=Date.parse("Dec 25, 1996");

     In str1, the local time zone is assumed. If this isn't a bit confusing, you haven't been paying attention. Go back and re-read it!


     variable is a literal or sets the Month of the year for a specified date, using values for x from 0 through 11



     variable is a literal or variable that sets the day of the month for a specified date using x with values from 1 to 31. (Does not start with 0)
     This call set the day for dt to 6/4/97.

dt=new Date("July 1, 1997 00:00:00");


     variable is a literal or variable that sets the hours of the day for a specified date, using values for x from 0 through 23:



     variable is a literal or variable that sets the hours of the day for a specified date, using values for x from 0 through 59:



     variable is a literal or variable that sets the seconds of the hour for a specified date, using values for x from 0 through 59:



     variable is a literal or variable that sets the value for a date, using values for x equal to the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00.

dt = new Date("December 25, 1997");
x=dt.getTime(); // Now x = milliseconds
newdt = new Date();

     .getTime() got the number of milliseconds, while .setTime() converted the milliseconds to set the date in newdt.


     variable is a literal or variable that converts a date to a string, using the Internet GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) practices.
     The exact format of the value returned by .toGMTString() varies according to the server or machine being used.

dt = new Date();

     You'll have to test this call on your own server to see exactly what format the GMT date/time string will be returned. Something like this will be the result of the code just above:

dt="Thu, 12 Dec 1996 13:42:01 GMT";


     This is a flaky call that will convert your date to a string using the current environment conditions.
     Since it is really unpredictable, I recommend you parse "the old-fashioned way", that is, using the .getHours(), .getMinutes() and .getSeconds() calls described earlier in this chapter. But you do as you wish.

dt=new Date();

variable=new Date(Date.UTC());

     This is a tricky little bugger that you should not really need. The syntax is different than with the other date/time calls, so be careful.
     variable will be set to the UTC date. But since Date.UTC() returns the number of milliseconds in a date object since January 1, 1970 00:00:00, Universal Coordinated Time (GMT) - a so-called "static method", it needs to be implemented directly as shown below, rather than as a dt=new Date(), etc. kind of call. Here's Netscape's® documentation:

Date.UTC(year,month,day [,hrs] [,min] [,sec])
year is a year after 1900.
month is a month between 0-11.
date is a day of the month between 1-31.
hrs is hours between 0-23.
min is minutes between 0-59.
sec is seconds between 0-59."

dt=new Date(Date.UTC(96,11,1,0,0,0));


     You use this call to set variable to a year as specified by x. x is the year you wish minus 1900. For example, if you wished to use the year 1997, 1997 - 1900 = 97, so x may be a literal numeric or a variable you've set equal to the desired numeric value.

dt=new Date();
dt.setYear(97); // Using literal
dt.setYear(x); // Using variable

Links: Introduction | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty | Chapter Twenty-one | Chapter Twenty-two | Chapter Twenty-three | Appendix A | Appendix B | Appendix C | Appendix D | Cover
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© Copyright 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001 John H. Keyes