Instructions for Twins Who Are Parents

Welcome to the study of twins who are parents! We are interested in learning more about social relationships in families in which twins (identical and fraternal) are married and have children. If one twin has children and the other twin does not, only the twin without children can answer these questions. If your twin is deceased, but has children, you can fill out the survey, but please be sure to answer the last question at the end of this part of the survey. This study has 3 small parts -- please complete each one and answer as accurately as you can. Please do not discuss your answers with your twin until both of you have finished. Please complete this survey only once. Thank you for your interest.

1. My First Name:

2. My Last Name:

3. My Twin's First Name:

4. My Twin's Last Name:

5. My Sex      Male      Female

6. My Twin's sex      Male      Female

7. My birth MONTH:

      Jan      July

      Feb      Aug

      Mar     Sep

      Apr      Oct

      May     Nov

      June    Dec


8. My birth DAY

9. My birth YEAR 19

10. My telephone number (please enter numbers only -- no dashes or parentheses)

11. My e-mail address

12. My Blood Type (if unknown, type UNK)

13. My Twin Type

     Definitely Identical
     Maybe Identical
     Maybe Fraternal
     Definitely Fraternal

14. How was your twin type determined?

15. My Birth Order:
      1st        2nd

16. My Twin's Birth Order:
      1st        2nd

17. Delivery Method
      Natural      C-Section      Don't Know

18. My Natural Hair Color       My Hair Texture (curly, thick, etc.)

19. My Twin's Natural Hair Color       My Twin's Hair Texture (curly, thick, etc.)

20. My Eye Color

21. My Twin's Eye Color

22. My Height (indicate units, such as inches, feet, cm, etc)

23. My Twin's Height (indicate units, such as inches, feet, cm, etc)

24. My Weight (indicate units such as pounds, kg, etc)

25. My Twin's Weight (indicate unites such as pounds, kg, etc)

26. My Hand Preference:

27. My Twin's Hand Preference:

28. My hand preference was switched as a child
      Yes        No

29. My twin's hand preference was switched as a child
      Yes        No

30. As young children our parents confused us
        Often        Occasionally        Rarely/Never

31. Recently our parents confused us
        Often        Occasionally        Rarely/Never

32. Teachers at school confused us
        Often        Occasionally        Rarely/Never

33. Close friends confuse us
        Often        Occasionally        Rarely/Never

34. Casual friends confuse us
        Often        Occasionally        Rarely/Never

35. Has one twin had any major illnesses or accidents that the other did not have?
        Yes        No

36. If YES, please describe the type of accident or illness, which twin was affected and the age it occurred.

37. Has one twin had any key experiences the other twin did not have?        Yes        No

38. If YES, please describe the experience, which twin was involved and the age that it happened

39. What is the longest length of time you were separated from your twin? (Please indicate days, month, or years)

40. When the longest time of separation from your twin BEGAN, how old were you?

41. When the longest time of separation from your twin ENDED, how old were you?

42. Is your twin deceased?        Yes        No

43. If your twin is deceased, please enter the year of death; if your twin is alive please type 9999.

44. If your twin is deceased, please enter the age at death. If your twin is alive, please enter 00.

Identification number. Please make up a five digit number and write it down. Then enter it in the space provided below. Please put this same number at the top of all three parts of this survey. This will allow me to match up the different parts.

Please check your answers. When you are done, push the button below.

Thank You!