Chapter 11 Quiz

Choose the best answer for each question. Retake the quiz until you score 100%. Then submit your score for the record.

1. In factorWiz, in what order will the questions appear in the survey form?

a. the factorial questions are in random order.
b. the factorial questions are in factorial order.
c. different subjects are randomly assigned to receive different combinations.
d. the items appear in a counterbalanced, latin-square order.
e. both b and d.

2. If the experimenter creates different versions of the questionnaire by pressing the Make the Form button several times in factorWiz (and saving each one), how are the data coded and saved in the data.csv file?

a. the data are sent back in the same order in which they appear in the questionnaire.
b. the data are sent back in factorial order and not in the order that they appear in the survey.
c. different versions created by pressing the button again and again send back the data in the same order.
d. both a and c.
e. both b and c.

3. Why should there be a warmup of trials preceding the main experiment in the kinds of studies made by factorWiz?

a. so that the participant can become accustomed to the response scale.
b. so that the participant can become accustomed to the stimulus context.
c. so that the participant will not be exposed to the stimuli in the other condition of the study.
d. so that the independent variables in the main study will not be confounded.
e. both a and b.

4. Which of the following studies would not be set up by factorWiz?

a. impression formation as a function of two adjectives, each contributed by a different source.
b. Cliff's (1959) study of adverbs as multipliers.
c. A between-subjects factorial study of adjectives. Each participant rates a different pair of adjectives.
d. Shanteau's study of the value of gambles consisting of a verbal description of one's chances to win and the prizes to win.
e. A study of the judgment of the size of tip one might leave as a function of the size of the bill and the quality of the service.

5. Why conduct factorial experiments? Why not test one variable at a time?

a. factorial experiments force the independent variables to be unconfounded.
b. the effect of one variable may be reversed by the value of another variable.
c. factorial experiments allow one to test the interaction between independent variables.
d. factorial experiments allow the investigator to test if the additive model is appropriate as the information processing integration function.
e. all of the above.

End of Quiz!

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