Chapter 9 Quiz

Choose the best answer. Keep trying until you have 100% correct, then submit your score for the record.

1. When a survey is constructed in surveyWiz, the order in which the data will be returned to the data file is:

a. in order of the leading digits that are part of the NAME in the HTML input tags.
b. in the order that they are entered by the person using surveyWiz.
c. short name (of survey), date, time, remote address, followed by the items entered.
d. a, b, and c are correct.
e. none of the above.

2. How does one save the completed form created by surveyWiz?

a. copy the entire contents of the window to a text editor and save with an extension of .htm or .html.
b. press the Save button.
c. choose Save as from the file menu in surveyWiz.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.

3. In the experiment discussed in Chapter 9 to find the subjective sizes of numbers, what was done and what was found?

a. In a between-subjects design, it was found that the number 221 is judged larger than the number 9.
b. In a within-subjects design, it was found that the number 9 is judged bigger than the number 221.
c. In a between-subjects design, it was found that the number 9 was judged bigger than the number 221.
d. A between-subjects design should be used to avoid confounding the experiment.
e. Both a and d.

4. According to Parducci's range-frequency theory of judgment, what should you do to have a happy life?

a. avoid rare but wonderful experiences.
b. avoid rare but terrible experiences.
c. avoid all experiences that are above the average.
d. try to have frequent bad experiences.
e. try to have mostly average experiences.

5. According to Parducci's range-frequency theory, how do you predict which stimulus will be judged "average"?

a. the stimulus judged "average" is the average (mean) stimulus.
b. the stimulus judged "average" is a compromise between the mean and median stimulus.
c. the stimulus judged "average" is a compromise between the median and midpoint stimulus.
d. the stimulus judged "average" is a compromise between the mean and mode.
e. the stimulus judged "average" cannot be predicted by range-frequency theory.

End of Quiz!

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Keep trying until your score is 100%. When it is 100%, you can submit your quiz for the record.

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