Peissig Vision Lab - Birder Study
If you are a bird watcher, this is the study for you! Help us learn more about how learning is represented in the brain by participating in our experiment.
You will see images of birds and cars in this study
Sessions are Scheduled at Your Convenience
You can come to our lab at California State University Fullerton and participate any day or time that works for you! You will be paid $15 for each hour of participation and free parking is provided. Our lab also has beverages and snacks available to make your visit more pleasant. If you would like, your participation pay can be donated to the Sea and Sage Education Fund.
You must be age 18 or older to participate and have normal or corrected to normal vision (contacts or glasses are just fine!). We are looking for those who are able to identify numerous species of birds at all levels of expertise, so don't hesitate to contact us, even if you're a new birder! Also, if you have a friend, significant other, or spouse who is not a birder, please bring them along! We need to test non-birders as well.
Contact Information
If you would like to participate, please contact Dr. Jessie Peissig: