Hi! I
have been a faculty member at Cal
State University,
Fullerton since
August of 1996. Currently, I teach Abnormal Psychology and the General
Internship courses for the Department of Psychology. Please click on either my Psych 341, Abnormal Psychology or Psych 495, Field
Placement in Psychology (internships) syllabi above. Over the years, I have
taught courses in child, adolescent and adult development as well as on
Critical Thinking.
I have an
interdisciplinary Ph.D. from the University
of Chicago in Human
Development and working on problems across disciplinary areas is second nature
to me. I love extending my horizons by combining several perspectives in order
to understand an issue. I find that disciplinary boundaries can give one a
limited perspective on the person, place or object that is under study. However, the risk in crossing domains to find
answers is that you might not get in-depth knowledge either. I keep trying!
My current research
involves the study of Chinese twins reared together and apart. I collaborate
with Dr. Nancy Segal on developmental and cross-cultural issues that may impact
the psychological, social, physical and interpersonal domains of children and
adolescents with shared genetic codes.
In 2003, I was selected by
a faculty committee for the Outstanding Teaching Award in the
College of Humanities
and Social Sciences. In 2005, I was selected as the campus-wide
"Extraordinary Internship Coordinator" by the Center for Internships
and Service Learning. It feels good to be appreciated and recognized!