Correction of errata in:   Lippa, R. A. (2005). Subdomains of gender-related occupational interests: Do they form a cohesive bipolar M-F dimension? Journal of Personality, 73, 693-730. 

        Study 1 in Lippa (2005) reported analyses of occupational preference data originally collected by Loehlin and Nichols (1976) from 839 same-sex twin pairs (351 male pairs and 488 female pairs).   These analyses identified sets of male-preferred and female-preferred occupations and conducted principal components analyses on these item sets to identify subdomains of masculine occupations and of feminine occupations.  Scales were constructed for each of the identified subdomains. The total sets of masculine and feminine occupational preference items and some of the masculine and feminine subdomain scales were incorrectly reported in Study 1 of Lippa (2005). 

        The correct sets of masculine and feminine occupational preference items, the correct subdomain scales, and the correct correlational and principal components results based on these revised item sets and scales are presented here.  To see the revised version of Study 1 click here.  To see the revised version of Study 1 with the corresponding results from the published version of Study 1 presented simultaneously, for easy comparison, click here.

        In general, the revised results were quite similar to the published results, but because some of the revised subdomain scales were slightly changed from the published subdomain scales, the exact values of results (e.g., scale intercorrelations) were altered in the corrected version of Study 1.