Date | Rank | |
Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (CAIMI). Published by Psychological Assessment Resources, 1986. 1-800-331-TEST or Measures academic intrinsic motivation across four subject areas (reading, math, social studies, science) and for school in general for children in grades 4 - 8.
Gottfried, A. E. (1986). Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. (CAIMI). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. (grades 4-8). |
b.8 | a.1 |
Young Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. (Y-CAIMI). Downward extension of the CAIMI for younger children. Described in A. E. Gottfried (1990) (reference below). Measures academic intrinsic motivation in reading, math, and for school in general for children in grades 1 - 3. | b.7 | a.2 |
Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory--High School Version. (CAIMI--HS). Upward extension of the CAIMI for high school students across 4 subject areas and school in general. Described in Gottfried, Fleming, Gottfried, 2001 (reference below). | b.3 | a.3 |
Parental Motivational Practices Scale (PMPS). A. E. Gottfried, J. S. Fleming, and A. W. Gottfried. Measures task intrinsic and task extrinsic parental motivational practices. Gottfried, Fleming, & Gottfried (1994) (See Reference below). | b.6 | a.4 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2022, in press). Intrinsic motivation and goals. In H. S. Friedman & C. M. Markey (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 3rd edition, Elsevier. | ||
Gottfried, A. E. (2019). Parenting and children’s academic motivation. Chapter in M. H. Bornstein (ed.), Handbook of Parenting, 3rd edition. Volume 5, Part 1. NY: Routledge. | a.1 | a.9 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2019). Academic intrinsic motivation: Theory, measurement, and longitudinal research. Invited chapter in Advances in Motivation Science, Vol. 6, (pp. 71-106), Academic Press. | ||
Gottfried, A. E. (2018) Motivation (Intrinsic, Extrinsic). Invited in M. Bornstein, (Ed.)The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publication. | a.1 | a.9 |
Gottfried, A. E., Nylund-Gibson, K., Gottfried, A. W., Morovati, D., & Gonzalez, A. M. (2017). Trajectories from academic intrinsic motivation to need for cognition and educational attainment. The Journal of Educational Research. 28(1), 642-652. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2016.1171199 | a.2 | a.5 |
Gottfried, A. E., Preston, K. S. J., Gottfried, A. W., Oliver, P. H., Delany, D., & Ibrahim, S. M. (2016). Pathways from parental stimulation of children’s curiosity to high school science course accomplishments and science career interest and skill. International Journal of Science Education. 38:12, 1972-1995. | a.2 | a.6 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2016). Intrinsic Motivation and Goals. Invited chapter in H. Friedman and R. Riggio (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 2nd Edition. San Diego, CA: Elsevier. | a.2 | a.7 |
Gottfried, A. W., Schlackman, J., Gottfried, A. E., & Boutin-Martinez, A. S. (2015). Parental provision of early literacy environment as related to reading and educational outcomes across the academic life-span. Parenting: Science and Practice, 15, 24-38. | a.3 | a.8 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2009). The role of environment in contextual and social influences on motivation: Generalities, specificities, and causality. In K. Wentzel and A. Wigfield (Eds.), Handbook of Academic Motivation. (pp. 463-475). NY: Taylor & Francis. | a.6 | b.1 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2001). Intrinsic motivation. In J. V. Lerner & R. M. Lerner (Eds. Adolescence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 1, (pp. 459-463). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. | b.3 | b.2 |
Gottfried, A. E. (1990). Academic intrinsic motivation in young elementary school children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 525-538. | b.7 | b.3 |
Gottfried, A.E. (1986). Intrinsic motivational aspects of play experiences and play materials. In A. Gottfried & C. Brown (Eds.), Play interactions. (pp. 81-99). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. | b.8 | b.4 |
Gottfried, A. E. (1986). Intrinsic motivation in children living out-of-the-family: Issues, findings, and applications. Paedovita, 1, 70-77. | b.8 | b.5 |
Gottfried, A. E. (1985). Academic intrinsic motivation in elementary and junior high school students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 631-635. | b.9 | b.6 |
Gottfried, A. E. (1985). Intrinsic motivation for play. In C. Brown & A. Gottfried (Eds.), Play interactions. (pp. 45-52). Skillman, NJ: Johnson & Johnson. | b.9 | b.7 |
Gottfried, A. E. (1983). Development of intrinsic motivation in young children. Young Children, 39, 64-73. | c.1 | b.8 |
Gottfried, A. E. (1982). Relationships between academic intrinsic motivation and anxiety in children and young adolescents. Journal of School Psychology, 20, 305-315. | c.2 | b.9 |
Gottfried, A., & Gottfried, A. (2011). Paths from gifted motivation to leadership. In S. E. Murphy & R. J. Reichard (Eds.), Early development and leadership: Building the next generation of leaders. (pp. 71-91). Research Press. | a.5 | c.1 |
Gottfried, A. E., & Gottfried, A. W. (2009). Development of gifted motivation from childhood through young adulthood: Longitudinal research and implications for gifted assessment and education. (pp. 617-631). In L. Shavinina (Ed.), International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent. Springer Science. | a.6 | c.2 |
Gottfried, A. E., & Gottfried, A. W. (2004). Toward the development of a conceptualization of gifted motivation, Gifted Child Quarterly, 48, 121-132 | b.2 | c.3 |
Gottfried, A. E., & Gottfried, A. W. (1996). A longitudinal study of academic intrinsic motivation in intellectually gifted children: Childhood through adolescence. Gifted Child Quarterly. 40, 179-183. Recipient of the MENSA Education and Research Foundation, and MENSA International Limited Award for Excellence in Research, 1997. |
b.5 | c.4 |
Gottfried, A. E., Fleming, J. S., & Gottfried, A. W. (2001). Continuity of academic intrinsic motivation from childhood through late adolescence: A longitudinal study. Journal of Educational Psychology. 93, 3-13. | b.3 | c.5 |
Gottfried, A. E., Fleming, J. S., & Gottfried, A. W. (1998). Role of cognitively stimulating home environment in children’s academic intrinsic motivation: A longitudinal study. Child Development, 69, 1448-1460. | b.4 | c.6 |
Gottfried, A. E., Fleming, J. S. & Gottfried, A. W. (1994). Role of parental motivational practices in children's academic intrinsic motivation and achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 104-113. | b.6 | c.7 |
Gottfried, A. E., Gottfried, A. W., Morris, P., & Cook, C. (2008). Low academic intrinsic motivation as a risk factor for adverse educational outcomes: A longitudinal study from early childhood through early adulthood. In C. Hudley & A. E. Gottfried (Eds.) Academic motivation and the culture of school in childhood and adolescence. (pp. 36-69) NY: Oxford Press. | a.7 | c.8 |
Gottfried, A. E., Gottfried, A. W., Reichard, R. J., Guerin, D. W., Oliver, P. H., & Riggio, R. E. (2011). Motivational roots of leadership: A longitudinal study from childhood through adulthood. The Leadership Quarterly, 22, 510-519. | a.5 | c.9 |
Gottfried, A. E., Marcoulides, G. A., Gottfried, A. W., & Oliver, P. (2013). Longitudinal pathways from math intrinsic motivation and achievement to math course accomplishments and educational attainment. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 6, 68-92. | a.4 | d.1 |
Gottfried, A. E., Marcoulides, G. A., Gottfried, A. W., & Oliver, P. (2009). A latent curve model of parental motivational practices and developmental decline in math and science academic intrinsic motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 729-739. | a.6 | d.2 |
Gottfried, A. E., Marcoulides, G. A., Gottfried, A. W., Oliver, P., & Guerin, D. (2007). Multivariate latent change modeling of developmental decline in academic intrinsic math motivation and achievement: Childhood through adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31, 317-327 | a.8 | d.3 |
Gottfried, A. W., Gottfried, A. E., & Guerin, D. W. (2006). The Fullerton Longitudinal Study: A long-term investigation of intellectual and motivational giftedness. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 29, 430-450. | a.9 | d.4 |
Gottfried, A.W., Gottfried, A. E., Cook, C. & Morris, P. (2005). Educational characteristics of adolescents with gifted academic intrinsic motivation: A longitudinal study from school entry through early adulthood. Gifted Child Quarterly, 49, 172-186. | b.1 | d.5 |
Marcoulides, G. A., Gottfried, A. E., Gottfried, A. W., Oliver, P. (2008). Latent transition analysis of academic intrinsic motivation from childhood through adolescence. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 14, 411-427. | a.7 | d.6 |
Hudley, C. and Gottfried, A. E.(2008). Academic motivation and the culture of school in childhood and adolescence. NY: Oxford Press. | a.7 | d.7 |
Gottfried, A. W., Gottfried, A. E., Bathurst, K., & Guerin, D. W. (1994). Gifted IQ: Early developmental aspects: The Fullerton Longitudinal Study. New York: Plenum Press. | b.6 | d.8 |
Gottfried, A. E. (in press). Academic intrinsic motivation: Theory, measurement, and longitudinal research. Advances in Motivation Science, Vol. 6. | a.0 | d.8 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2019, in press). Parenting of children’s academic motivation. Chapter in M. H. Bornstein (ed.), Handbook of Parenting, 3rd edition. Volume 5, Part 1. NY: Routledge. | a.0 | d.8 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2018). Motivation. In M. Bornstein, (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications | a.0 | d.8 |
Gottfried, A. E. (2018). Educational Attainment. In M. Bornstein, (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications | a.0 | d.8 |