List of Currently Active Experiments
Decision Making Study
Decision Experiment. In this experiment, choose between gambles. Choose wisely, because some lucky participants will be selected randomly to play one of their chosen gambles. Experiment takes about 10 min.
Faculty Survey on Student Evaluations
FACULTY SURVEY on Student Evaluations investigates faculty opinions concerning student evaluations of teaching. This survey takes about 5 min. and is intended for faculty who teach in universities
Student Experiments
A list of experiments  that take 2 to 15 min. each to complete.
Student Evaluations and Student Learning
This study investigates the importance that people put on the instuctor's personality, standards for grading, and level of content on student learning and student satisfaction. This experiment has two tasks, and it takes about 35 min. total. Please click on your month of birth:
Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov
Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec
Completed Studies
To see the materials of completed studies, visit
Completed Experiments.
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