Psychology Department Newsletter |
February 2003 |
Welcome all new and returning students. If you are new to Cal State Fullerton, be sure to visit the department Advisement Office in H-507 as soon as possible. The faculty and peer advisors can help you select the best classes for your interests and goals. They also have tips for sequencing classes and information on career and graduate school options. The Advisement Office phone is 714-278-3102. Sign-up sheets are posted outside the office.
Advisement hours for the Spring 2003 semester are:
Dr. Mearns
Monday 10:30-12:45pm
Wednesday 10:30-11:45am; 5:30-7:00pm
Dr. Smith
Tues/Thurs 2:15-3:45pm
Wednesday 1:00-3:00 pm
Dr. White
Thursday 9:00-11:00am; 4:00-7:00pm
Katie Chan (Graduate Student)
Monday 1:00-7:00pm
Tuesday 7:45-11:15am
Wednesday 7:45-9:45am
Thursday 7:45-9:45am
Friday 7:45am-2:30pm
For this semester, undergraduates wishing to take more that 19 units and graduate students taking more than 12 units must obtain approval from a Psychology Advisor.
Due to enrollment pressure, faculty members (especially in the 302-306 and 302L-306L courses) may be more likely to be formally checking that students have completed successfully (with a grade of C or better) course prerequisites. Students who have not completed these prerequisites are likely to be dropped from the courses. Students should look up these prerequisites in the school catalogue (they are NOT listed in the schedule of classes booklet) and make sure they know what the prerequisites are before attempting to enroll in a course.
Students should know that in order to meet the writing requirement in the major (by taking one of the 302-306 classes along with the corresponding 302L-306L lab course), the student must get a grade of C or better in both the lecture and the lab courses.
Also, students should take both the lecture and the lab courses from the SAME INSTRUCTOR, if possible during the SAME SEMESTER.
Are you aware of the services that the Psychology Peer Mentors Offer?
We are the Psychology Peer Mentors; a student organization at CSUF that provides valuable informal academic, and career counseling to psychology students. If you are looking for advice on topics ranging from career options and graduate school, to conflict with professors, or if you have any unanswered questions we invite you to come by our office. We are graduate and undergraduate students that have a wealth of resources to offer. Please feel free to drop by our office in H-515 or you can call the office at (714) 278-5822 to schedule an appointment.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 15. The annual Psych Day will be held all day in the Titan Student Union. It will feature guest speakers and information on grad school, GRE preparation, and careers for psychology majors. Watch for more information posted in the department as the date draws nearer.
The department has two outstanding graduate programs: the
Master of Arts in general psychology and the Master of Science in clinical
psychology. The application deadline for next year (Fall 2003) is March 1. You
must apply directly to the psychology department -- it is not sufficient to be
admitted to the university as an "unclassified" graduate student.
This year you must also apply to the university by March 1 as well: the university is closing graduate applications early.
The department application forms may be filled out and printed on-line at the department Web site. The address for the M.A. program is and the M.S. program materials are at
Take a look at the department's Web site at You can find information on faculty, advisement, and links to useful sources of information for psychology majors.
Be sure to check the class schedule for dates and rules for withdrawing from classes. You will not be dropped from a class automatically if you stop attending -- you must follow the regulations for withdrawing from a class. If you have any questions, check with the Department or University Advisement Office.
If you have completed nine credits (3 courses) at the 300-400 level in Psychology at CSUF, with at least a C average, you are ready for an interview with the faculty member who teaches the section of 495 that you want (clinical, business, general). Start the intern process at the mid-point of the preceding semester.
Read over the requirements for the various types of internships at: Print off the appropriate application form (I/O, General or Clinical) from our web-site and review the sites (on-line or in H830M) before signing up to meet with the faculty who teach Psych 495.
After approval from your course instructor and site supervisor, register for Psych 495. Once the internship begins, expect some of the following:
You can take internships that are clinical (counseling), business-oriented
(industrial/organizational), or general in orientation (e.g., child, family, or adult development, research, probation, health related, social issues, and a range of other options).
Check the course schedule for section of Psych 495 (Field Placement in Psychology) that is right for you (Drs. Davis and Harrigan offer clinical placements,
whereas Dr. Blackman offers I/O, and Dr. Stohs offers generic placements). Obtain a copy of the corresponding Student Application Form (SAAF) at our web-site:
Look over the instructions as well as the site information and then meet with the faculty
member who teaches the 495 section you want. Then, make an appointment to interview with the site supervisor and bring along your Application Form. If an agreement is reached, ask the site supervisor to sign your form.
After all signatures have been obtained, return the form to your instructor or drop it off in the main psychology office at H830M.
Finally, make sure to register for the correct section of Psych 495!
Psi Chi would like to thank all those who participated in the drive for the Door Of Faith Orphanage. In January, Psi Chi officers drove
to Mexico and delivered a huge carload of food, clothes and toys to the almost
100 children residing there.
Psi Chi invites all interested parties to help us in our fundraiser this semester. Our goal is to be able to pay for the flight of one psychology student chosen at random to attend the WPA convention in Vancouver.
Look for Psi Chi members peddling their wares!
Congratulations to Dr. Harrigan: Her book, entitled Nonverbal behavior in the affective sciences: A handbook of research methods, edited by Harrigan, Rosenthal, and Scherer, will be published next January by from Oxford University Press.
An article, "Asymmetries in finger-tapping interference produced by mental versus manual rotation of Shepard and Metzler type objects," published in the December issue of Brain & Cognition, was coauthored by recent MA graduates Sherry Yeary and Niki Patton (see Yeary, Patton, and Kee; 2002).
Welcome back to Dr. Blackman, Dr. Woll, and Dr. Cozby returning from leaves. Dr. Bathurst, Dr. Willis, and Dr. Gottfried are on sabbatical leaves this spring.
Watch for speakers scheduled throughout the semester. Candidates for a new faculty position in biopsychology will be visiting in February and early March. Watch for announcements. Also, Professor Kathy Pezdek of the Claremont Graduate University will speak in April.
Do you have news or suggestions for the next newsletter? Contact Dr. Perkins.
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